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Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Lately I feel like my jewelry is turning into my writing. I'm sure that makes no sense so let me explain. I'm a writer, well, I love to write and I aspire to be a published author one day BUT I have this problem when it comes to my writing...I never feel like it's good enough. I've been working on the same novel for the past 5 years now and I have nothing to show for it except pages and pages of notes. Every time I write the first chapter I will pluck up the nerve to share it with a friend, they will love it, I will re-read it later...hate it then crinkle it into a ball and throw it away. I cannot tell you how many times I have actually done this. And as I said, my jewelry is starting to feel like this. I'm not crinkling up my jewelry and throwing it away but I feel like my creativity isn't flowing like it should be. I want to make stunning jewelry and I feel like it's not happening. I know, I shouldn't be so hard on myself because I have only been making jewelry for a few weeks but I think it's a mental issue I have that developed from my writing.

If anyone has a problem like this feel free to let me I know I'm not the only one.

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