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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Anniversary

Three years ago today my life changed forever. I had just got out of a very terrible three year relationship and started hanging out with this guy, who tried during my previous relationship to list one hundred reasons why I should date him. I hadn't listened to him then but when I got out of my other relationship I remembered what he said and we started hanging out. On Valentines day, three years ago today, we were going to go to the movies to watch Valentines Day, cliche...I know. Before the movie we were hanging out at his best friends house and I just kept staring at him and wishing he would ask me out, I mean, how perfect would that be?
I was texting my best friend telling her I wanted to ask him out but didn't know how. So she sends me this text telling me what to say...I can't exactly remember the text but it said something like "let's make babies for good" (best friend humor). I decided to forward the text to him, while we were sitting across the table from one another and he texted back "yes".
Since then we have had very good times and some very bad times but everything has always worked out for us and now we have a beautiful 4 month old daughter, we've been together for three beautiful years and in a little over two months we will have been married for a year!
Happy anniversary, Kory, I love you more than words can ever explain.

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